Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Over time, teeth often become discoloured and stained by food, beverages and tobacco. Professional whitening is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment that can dramatically enhance the beauty of your smile.

At Boundary Dental Clinic we provide two types of professional whitening systems, in-office and take-home treatment. Our in-office or “laser whitening” treatment uses a strong light to activate the whitening agent to speed up the whitening process. The procedure only takes 30 minutes and can dramatically brighten your smile. Our professional take-home teeth whitening system allows patients to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home. Patients also have the option to freshen up their smiles by continuing on with treatment at any time.

Both of these professional teeth whitening systems are stronger and more effective than the over-the-counter products. Since teeth whitening only works on natural tooth structure, it is important to evaluate replacement options for any old fillings, crowns or veneers.

Not all dental stains are created equal as some staining is harder to remove than others. Please contact Boundary Dental Clinic to find out what options are best suited for you.


At Boundary Dental Clinic we can create the smile you always wanted. One way to enhance your smile is through veneers. A veneer is an ultra-thin, durable, tooth shaped porcelain shell that covers the front side of a tooth. Veneers can improve the appearance of teeth that are permanently stained, poorly shaped, chipped, worn, or poorly spaced. They are custom made in a dental laboratory then bonded onto the front of teeth to create a durable, beautiful and attractive smile.

You may consider Veneers for the following reasons:

  • To create a beautiful, white smile
  • Fix crooked teeth
  • Reshape teeth
  • Correct uneven or unwanted spaces
  • Repair chipped or worn teeth

For more information on Veneers, contact Boundary Dental Clinic today.


Boundary Dental Clinic can provide you with a stable and long-term option for replacing your missing teeth. Dental implants are used to replace missing or broken teeth and can be used to restore a single tooth or an entire mouth. They replace the need for bridges, removable partial or complete dentures. Dental implants can even be used in conjunction with loose fitting dentures to provide more support. Implants are the closest thing to real teeth. They look natural and provide ideal health, form and function to the missing tooth area.

Your dentist may suggest dental implants for the following reasons:

  • Replace one or more missing teeth without affecting the surrounding teeth
  • Avoid bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth spaces
  • Restore a patient’s smile… and confidence
  • Restore chewing, speech, and digestion
  • Restore or enhance facial tissues
  • Support a denture, making them more secure and comfortable

For more information on Dental Implants, please contact Boundary Dental Clinic and Dr. O'Brien would be happy to answer any of your questions